Swift, WKWebView

WKWebView: Getting Started

A WKWebView is a subclass of UIView that is used to present web content inside the app UI. It can be used to present HTML, CSS, and JavaScript-based content alongside your app’s native UI

Since WKWebView is part of WebKit, we need to import it to our file using

import WebKit

Loading a website using WKWebView

The below code snippet loads “https://www.talkingwithswift.com” and sets that as the UIViewController‘s view.

class ExampleViewController: UIViewController {
		var webView: WKWebView!
		// Other properties and functions
		func loadWebview() {
			  webView = WKWebView()
				let url = URL(string: "<https://www.talkingwithswift.com>")!
				webView.load(URLRequest(url: url))
				self.view = webView

In the first line, we create a WKWebView object and store it in the webView property of the ExampleViewController

Url is stored using a special type called URL in swift. Hence we create that object by passing the website’s URL as string to the initializer.

We use the load(_:) method of WKWebView to the website URL. This method takes an URLRequest object as an argument, and hence we create URLRequest object using the URL which we have created in the previous line.

Finally, we set the viewcontroller’s view to the created webView

Loading HTML using WKWebView

WKWebView also allows loading local HTML file contents in your app. In this example, we try to load the index.html file, which is present in the app Bundle under the public directory. The public directory also contains the other assets, such as CSS and JavaScript files which are essential for loading the index.hml

func loadWebview() {
		webView = WKWebView()
		let htmlFileURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "index", withExtension:"html", subdirectory: "public", localization: nil)!
		let parentURL = URL(string: (htmlFileURL.absoluteString as NSString).deletingLastPathComponent)!
		webView.loadFileURL(htmlFileURL, allowingReadAccessTo: parentURL)
		self.view = webView

As done previously, we create a WKWebView object and store it in the webView property of the ExampleViewController

In the second line, we try to get the URL for the index.html which is present in the Bundle under the public directory.

In the third line, we try to get the URL for the public directory using the htmlFileURL. deletingLastPathComponent() is a string method that removes the last path component and returns the path till the parent directory.

We use loadFileURL(_:allowingReadAccessTo:) method to load the local file. We pass the htmlFileURL as the first argument, and we give read access to parentURL as the parent directory contains the necessary CSS and JavaScript files.

Finally, we set the viewcontroller’s view to the created webView

So that’s the quick look and briefing about WKWebView and its ways of loading HTML content.